How you should be sending every email in your business
We all send out 100’s of emails from our business every
week if not every day. Each one of these emails is a touch point with
your market be it direct or indirect.&...
One of the cheapest and quite often easiest websites you can build for your business is your business pages in the various social media channels. Now you must understand that this is different to your personal social media profiles which, in certain circumstances, may be the one and the same. If you do choose to run a personal profile on social media for your business however, be careful to maintain a business perspective and we suggest that you keep a separate profile in each channel for your personal activities
There are several different elements that make up your social media presence but one of the most important is your Bio - this for once, is all about you — well maybe only in the very first instance, but as ever in marketing, it still focuses back on your market so it really is all ABOUT THEM. Your social media Bio might seem relatively unimportant to some however investing the time to produce a good Bio is well worth your while. In framing up your Bio it is important to understand that your target market may vary between the different social media channels you choose and also understand that each media channel have different guidelines around how you present and what you can put into your Bio.
The chart to the left provides a simple guide to the size of your Bios in each of the social media channels and what you should be looking to include when building your Bio. But what about the actual content itself that makes up your Bio? This seems to be an aspect that many people struggle with constantly. It really all starts out with an elevator speech - conveying in a concise manner just what your business is about in terms of the value it provides to your market. Central to this is clearly defining your value proposition and do so in a way that set you apart from your competitors. You want to create the perspective with your audience that what you have to offer is not only of value to them but also unique thus creating a sense of urgency in your market and a sense of importance in what you have to offer as they can't get this anywhere else, thus further substantiating your value. One of the key points to understand is that you might very well be finding a different target market group in each of the social media channels. Those you touch on say Facebook will be quite different to say those you touch through your Linkedin profile. Identifying the persona of these different audiences is important in framing up you Bio - not only in what you say but also in how you say it and of course each channel offers greater latitude in how much you say by virtue of the different amount of content you are allowed to place in your Bio.
A nifty tool I came across to help you pull all of the above together and to also help you examine what your competitors are doing with their own social media profiles can be found in a quick Google doc Social Media Competitive Landscape Template that you can use to build out this information. Building it out one time is doable even if it may seem to be a a pain, however it will help you get a very clear picture of what you are really doing.