How you should be sending every email in your business
We all send out 100’s of emails from our business every
week if not every day. Each one of these emails is a touch point with
your market be it direct or indirect.&...
Just as we review our business processes looking for efficiency gains and improvements, so to review or audit of your website should be performed on a regular basis. Invariably this is necessary because of changes in your business, technologies and/or your market. Too often we see websites that are no longer aligned to business goals and market needs.
In determining whether an audit of your website is necessary you could start by asking yourself the simple questions;
To a large extent, an audit of your website is something you can do yourself however in some areas you will most likely need to involve your web developers or an external Web consultancy.
Before looking at what you need to do to perform an audit of your website is probably worthwhile understanding why it is necessary and the benefits of carrying out an audit.
Sadly, most businesses build their website pouring in lots of money and
effort than just leaving it there waiting for the leads to coming. As I regularly say, "this is like sticking your neon billboard up in the middle
of the Simpson Desert". An exercise in futility.
There are a number of factors that influence your website all contributing to the need to possibly rethink your site structure, branding and content. These can include;
Over the past 1 to 2 years we have seen huge ships in business websites with the growth in the use of mobile computing, new web technologies and delivery platforms (HTML5, CSS3), the changes made by social media channels and lastly builds changes to its search engine algorithm (panda and penguin).
Many of these changes have invalidated current website designs and SEO strategies. In some instances they have led to the direct downgrading of many websites SEO ranking.
The benefits are wide and varied and the results can be significant or indirect stop it is important to understand that generally, no single change leads to a significant result on its own stop some of the benefits to be gained include;
1) Assessing your content
2) Web credibility and authority
This is all about your presence on the Internet in places other than your own website. Where and how references to your site found elsewhere adding to your reputation in a positive manner.
3) Technical Assessment
This will most likely require technical input from your own or another Web developer will stop it using an external party be sure they know what is
required, have the capabilities to truly assess your site and can do so impartially stop you might firstly see a preliminary audit before engaging
in a complete audit engagement. Sectors to be considered would include;
4) Business processes
This is how well your site integrates with your business processes and supports those processes.
As we said earlier, you most likely review of business processes for efficiency gains a regular basis. The nature of your business, your market and even your product mix changes as well.
If any of these to have changed, is the content and structure of your website still relevant? Do your website features support your business processes or are they making the process more complex? Can your website be updated to bring about business process improvement?
With changes in web technologies many business processes can be incorporated for much lower costs now than you may have had to consider a couple of years ago.
5) Website maintenance and management
An aspect not always considered or overlooked is your ability to update your website. Not just
content but the ease with which you can extend functionality by enhancing current features and upgrading to new features.
Another factor gaining greater prominence and relevance is the security of your data. Are you encrypting secure content (particularly online payments)?
Is your server secure, how well protected if your site from packets? A growing concern is those websites running on open source content management
systems (CMS) platforms such as WordPress and Joomla! Incorrectly configured and failure to be regularly updated can leave the door open to hackers
on some of these sites.
In order to deliver a total solution, any websites rely on the use of several services;
Invariably, these are separate systems each with their own databases that all need to be kept in sync. There are considerable disadvantages which can outweigh any benefit from such an approach. Ideally you want a solution that delivers all the systems through a simple single platform such as Adobe Business Catalyst.
It is well worth your time to consider your overall business and Internet strategy and examine the relevancy of your current web infrastructure to those strategies.
Top Left Designs is a total Web solution provider who works with clients in identifying strategic plans for putting their businesses online and then delivering websites and digital marketing packages orientated to the needs of its clients. We can assist businesses in the website audits, development of web strategy and delivery of a total integrated Web presence aligned to your business and marketing needs.