How you should be sending every email in your business
We all send out 100’s of emails from our business every
week if not every day. Each one of these emails is a touch point with
your market be it direct or indirect.&...
Since sales ever began it has always been about how well you convert prospects to a sale. The better you can convert the more profitable your business.
The same remains true with your website. Even if you don't actually sell product through an online store, your website should exist with an underlying objective of creating revenue for your business. Sadly many websites we review fail to do this as effectively as they should simply because of poor Web design principles being applied.
Many website owners focus on traffic believing that this naturally extends to more business. Whilst traffic to your website is important, it is not solely the answer to your problems. In fact, your website can on occasion, be more effective with less traffic in certain circumstances. That however, is another story.
A growing interest in web circles around conversion rate optimisation (CRO) has been emerging over the past year or so and it is my belief that this is where many website owners can realise significant improvements through changes in the design of the site focusing on conversion rate optimisation (CRO) as a means for increasing customer acquisition.
To the purists, CRO is all about A/B Testing, surveys, landing pages etc. Whilst we don't disagree with any of this, there are however some fundamental aspects that every website owner needs to address before embarking on any detailed CRO campaign. It is also important to understand that CRO is not for the fainthearted. It is not an exact science and though the tools of measuring results are very detailed and scientific themselves, the approach taken in CRO is largely trial and error. It is resource intensive and is performed over extended periods of time. As such, a full CRO campaign can be very expensive and its adoption as a marketing technique is generally limited to larger businesses that generate significant sales value through their websites.
Be that as it may, there are however a number of fundamental aspects every website owner can and should address before considering any conversion rate optimisation campaign.
How often have you landed on a website and wondered exactly what they did or were offering? Have you ever felt sceptical of the credibility of the business or those that may be behind that business? For most of us, when we view such a site, we have a sense of scepticism and tend to go elsewhere.
Gaining an initial sense of credibility and trust and being able to clearly identify whether this site offers you a solution to your problem is paramount. If these and other fundamental aspects of website designs fail then any conversion rate optimisation campaign is going to be largely a waste of your time.
Your Web designer should start with the purpose of your website and set down the objectives that it is to deliver against. You need to have a clear understanding of your market and the offerings you take to that market by way of your unique value propositions.
Examining your user interface will identify how easily your visitors can access the required information in your page and how they can be directed to other pages which hold information they seek. Bottom line however, you need those visitors to take some form of action. Design of your webpage should lead them to carefully constructed "Calls to Action" and these must be aligned to the objectives of your website.
We offer a free analysis of your websites fundamental conversion rate optimisation enablers to help you understand why you may not be generating the level of business you expect from your website. We analyse these and a number of other factors that contribute to improving your rate of conversion with visitors.
If you are interested see how well the design of your websites homepage is working please complete the form below and we will provide you with an analysis compiled by one of our CRO consultants based on an individual review of home page or any other landing page.
Alternatively, contact us and will be happy to explain our conversion rate optimisation process and the options available to you for your consideration.