How you should be sending every email in your business
We all send out 100’s of emails from our business every
week if not every day. Each one of these emails is a touch point with
your market be it direct or indirect.&...
The customer is always right. Well I don't necessarily agree with this in all cases; but this does not mean you have to tell them they are wrong. Your customers are however important and you should at all times treat them as a “VIP”.
In servicing our customers we can "stroke their VIPness” by making sure that, apart from treating them as a VIP, we stroke their egos – treat them as they want to be treated and yes, sometimes better than they deserve. A sure fire solution is learning how to appeal to their higher sense of values – understanding what matters to them is what is important, not what matters to you.
So rather than telling them that their ideas are wrong, we need to bring them around to what we believe is the best decision but in a way that we get there buy-in – let them feel they are in on the decision process and have a sense of ownership. People are naturally adverse to other people’s ideas and decisions unless they can perceive the value of that decision.
Empowering clients with information is an excellent way to gain support and buy-in from your clients. Too often, the inability to accept our own decisions comes from fear – not fear of the decision itself but from the very lack of understanding and knowledge that enables us to analyse that decision. Just spend a minute or so thinking about the decisions you make it each day and why you make the choices you do and why you feel more confident in some decisions as opposed to others. Now reflect in the same way on those decisions you have recently made because someone else advised you to make a particular choice.
We all find ourselves in these sorts of situations every day and rather than committing to new ideas because of a lack of understanding (leading to fear) we instead formulate our decisions around what we know (or rather believe to know) for ourselves, irrespective of the quality of that knowledge we have. The more information we have and the better the quality of that information, the more easily we make the decisions we do.
This applies to your customers as well. By understanding their own level of knowledge, their past experiences and what their fears are, you will be able to better deal with negative feedback.
At the end of the day may still not convinced your customers however you have approached it correctly and should the wrong result arrives your customer will hopefully remember how you put your case to do otherwise.