How you should be sending every email in your business
We all send out 100’s of emails from our business every
week if not every day. Each one of these emails is a touch point with
your market be it direct or indirect.&...
Often overlooked but now essential to all who run Adword campaigns - this free feature will greatly enhance search conversion but also your rankings in Google Adwords.
Whilst many think that your positioning in the Adword or sponsored link listings on Google are based on your max bid price you will be surprised to hear that Google has updated its algorithm for these listing to include the use of the Adword Ad Extensions. The best news is they are free.
It is also very easy to set up. But don't look at these Ad Extensions as being something solely to boost your sponsored link positioning as far from it. This great feature enhances your ability to convert those searching directly to the most relevant content in your site. Now you can set links on your Adword Ad to enable those viewing it to quickly find your physical store, make a phone call or even view your special promotion - all in addition to the page your Ad normally links to.
To understand just how the Ad Extensions can be utilised, watch this video from Google and remember this is all free to set up and provides you with a much stronger Ad in every regard.