Mike Barker
Mike Barker
Mike Barker is a marketing veteran of over 30 years
who has worked with the internet since its inception in the mid 1990’s. His experience includes television production, professional copywriting, marketing
strategies and campaign management. He has written Core Stories for the prestigious Chet Holmes International and Shock and Awe presentation for Australia’s
largest business coaching organization: Streetsmart Marketing. He also ran two IT outsource companies in the Philippines with over 100 employees for
6 years.
The content in your website reflects your personal authority and expertise as well as that of your company. Your prospects form their initial impression of your business very quickly (in fact within 5 seconds) and that opinion is very important…
You can stand out when the crowd is all so pedestrian and dull, but it does take some expertise and this is the value Mike brings to our clients with whom he works. As Mike says "It’s not difficult to stand out from the crowd, when they are so dull and uninteresting, but it takes skills that not everyone have. People are looking for information, but their time is precious and what they want is good quality information relevant to their immediate needs."
We use Mike and his team not because of their rates (they are not a cheap content factory) but because they look after a handful of clients at any one time and look after them properly paying careful attention to all the details of ensuring your content does what it should.
Content marketing is not as straight forward as many think - it is moulding together of many of the key skills required to not only make content relevant to those visiting the site but to also ensure that it draws a wider audience and aims to deliver on key calls to action. It needs to also integrate with the other marketing initiatives both traditional and digital to further generate new leads and nurture those already obtained.