How you should be sending every email in your business
We all send out 100’s of emails from our business every
week if not every day. Each one of these emails is a touch point with
your market be it direct or indirect.&...
The SEO playing field is a complex and ever-changing environment. Nothing new in that statement of what I am starting to see many businesses is an ever increasing belief that SEO will solve all problems for online businesses.
First of all – lose that thought. Secondly, understand this. As SEO does become more involved, more complex and more technical, SEO supremacy will be the domain of those who are only prepared to commit the resources required as it is. For many small businesses, they lacked the resources required or the costs involved are disproportionate to the returns possible.
Now don't get me wrong; I am not suggesting that one should abandon the notion of optimising your website. What I would however suggest is to look closely
at what you need to commit to optimising your site in relation to the returns that you can achieve.
The other night a group of SEO consultants and web developers were discussing SEO tactics, strategies and resourcing. The SEO consultant leading the discussion
was very capable and certainly got results of his own clients. However, a few of us noted, what he achieved for his clients was because of 14 years’
experience and his index skills, systems, processes and outsourcing arrangements that he had in place.
To achieve all of this is beyond what most businesses, particularly SME, can manage all put in place. This is consultant also charged no less than $3000
per month to deliver the results he achieved. Is this fair value and did he get results? Yes in both cases. Can you afford, as and SME business owner,
this sort costs? Probably not. We also point out that this consultants’ clients were typically doing an online turnover of between one and $30.
So what is the answer for SME businesses? We suggest that you need to be realistic in your expectations of the fees you pay for SEO. Secondly, we suggest
that you look at seo is just been one tool in your marketing tool box that by not relying on SEO alone you are very likely to still get good results.
At the end of the day however SEO is a specialist skill that requires a commitment by you in time resources and systems. Any shortcuts will not deliver
results and sadly there are many who offer such shortcuts.